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Monday, March 28th, 2011
If you’re the Federal Government, you can do one of two things:
* Expand it and spend more money
* Do away with it
In the case of the failed HAMP (Home Affordable Modification) program, it appears that they’re trying to do both.
Expand it: Under the terms of the Frank-Dodd act, a new regulation is requiring loan servicers to tell homeowners in writing why they’ve been turned down for a loan modification. But the guidelines don’t cover all loans, so you may or may not get a letter if you’re turned down.
After being rejected and told why, homeowners have 30 days to file an appeal and provide written proof that some of the data used in the decision was wrong. Then the servicer has the choice of taking a second look at the request or rejecting it again.
Part two of that regulation is the creation of a new government website where homeowners will be able to input their own information to see if they might be eligible for loan modification under HAMP guidelines. The website is scheduled to be ready by late Spring.
Do away with it: Meanwhile, the House Financial Services Committee voted on March 9 to do away with the HAMP program entirely. The proposal has now gone to the full House of Representatives for consideration, and of course there are proponents and critics on both sides of the issue.
Treasury Secretary Geithner testified on March 8, saying that elimination of HAMP would “cause a huge amount of damage” to the housing market.
However, an October 2010 report from the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program asserted that failed loan modifications have hurt consumers. The report noted that they’ve led to higher outstanding principal balances and destroyed credit ratings for troubled borrowers. No doubt that those troubled borrowers would agree.
Perhaps the new website will be ready just in time for the program to shut down?
Why did HAMP fail?
Why, when the program was expected to help between 3 and 4 million homeowners avoid foreclosure within its first 6 months, has it now helped only 600,000 – after nearly 2 years?
The most likely reason is that the participation by the banks was voluntary. In addition, those who did participate didn’t have to follow any guidelines in deciding whether to start – or finish – a loan modification.
Guidelines do exist in the form of a NPV – a “Net present value” test that determines whether a loan modification makes financial sense for the lender. If a loan meets both that test, and the bank’s own proprietary loan modification guidelines, the servicer must offer the borrower a trial modification.
However, as far too many homeowners have learned, they don’t have to make it permanent.
Apparently because this is all voluntary on the part of the banks, there are no enforcement mechanisms and no penalties for failure to follow the HAMP guidelines.
The new website is no different. It will offer only the official HAMP guidelines, so passing that test will not be a guarantee of being accepted for a loan modification.
Apparently, the primary benefit to the new regulations is to remove some of the mystery – so homeowners will have a clue about why they didn’t get a loan modification.
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Thursday, March 24th, 2011
There’s no such thing as a “One size fits all” credit card any more, so it pays to do some research and consider how you’ll use the card before you fill out that application form.
Right now dozens of card issuers are offering cash back rewards to get you to choose their card, but you’ll find that some of these cash back cards will benefit you, while others may not.
First, some impose an annual fee while others do not. You’ll have to weigh their rewards against the annual fee to determine whether it makes financial sense to carry those cards.
Most offer 1% back on purchases – while some offer as much as 5% back under certain circumstances.
That sounds good, but even at 5% cash back, a consumer would have to charge nearly $1,200 just to break even after paying a $59 annual fee. At 1% cash back, he or she would have to charge $5,900!
Many cash-back rewards credit cards today offer 1% on most purchases, but from 2% to 5% on purchases made in specific spending categories. For instance, a card may give back more for use at a luxury hotel or at restaurants. Another might give higher rewards for gasoline or grocery purchases.
Some, such as Discover Cards, offer “bonus” cash-back percentages for use in different categories at different times of the year. They might offer more for resort spending in the summer and for clothing store purchases in winter.
Next, some cards only give rewards after you’ve spent a specific dollar amount. For instance, one American Express card offers 5% back on “ordinary purchases” – but only after you’ve spent $6,500 in a given year. If you don’t charge that much, that incentive is no benefit to you. On the other hand, some restrict the amount you can earn each year.
The way rewards are delivered varies between cards, too. Some will automatically credit your account or mail you a check when your rewards reach a set threshold. Others hang on to the money until you request it.
Some cards allow you to accumulate your rewards as a kind of “savings account” until you want to use them. Others require you to request the rewards on time or they’ll expire.
With all these variables to choose from, you can probably find a card that fits the way you use credit. So take your time, do your research, and get some true rewards from your cash-back rewards credit card.
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Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011
The Durbin Amendment to the Dodd-Frank Act includes a new debit interchange fee rule that has banks, retailers, consumers, and members of congress embroiled in a heated argument.
If finalized, the rule would limit the fees banks charge retailers every time a consumer swipes a debit card. Right now the average fee per transaction is 44 cents. If enacted, fees would be capped at 7 to 12 cents.
This represents a considerable loss in revenue for the big banks. According to a March 16 Fox News column written by Stephen Clark, banks collected about $16 billion dollars in debit card swipe fees in 2009. This was an average of 44 cents on each of 38 billion retail transactions, valued at $1.45 trillion.
Right now the banks, and senators such as Jon Tester (Dem., Montana) are arguing that this move will increase costs for consumers. Thus, Jon Tester and a bipartisan group of U.S. senators has introduced new legislation to delay implementation. They want to put any reduction in debit card swipe fees on hold for two years while several government agencies conduct a year long study and analyze the results.
Senator Richard Durbin (Dem., Illinois) disagrees. He stated that if Tester’s bill is passed, it will be the equivalent of giving the big banks a $1.3 Billion per month bailout. Merchants and retailers agree, stating that lower debit card swipe fees would result in savings that could be passed along to the consumer in lower prices.
There are few consumers who would stand up and argue that the banks need to make more money, but some consumers are in favor of the Tester bill because they know that the banks will respond in ways that consumers will not appreciate.
One way or another, the banks will collect. Industry representatives have stated that the debit card swipe fees allow banks to provide consumers with free services, such as checking accounts. If the Fed limits what they can collect from merchants, they’ll be forced to pass their costs on to consumers.
How will they do it? Some banks, such as Chase, are considering a plan to limit debit card purchases to $50 or $100 per transaction. This could effectively push consumers to use credit cards rather than debit cards for large purchases. Banks would benefit because credit cards are exempt from the proposed new limits on swipe fees. And of course, using a credit card carries the potential of incurring interest.
In addition, Chase has already begun testing new fees. In Northern Wisconsin, they’re testing a $3 monthly fee for debit cards, and in Atlanta they’re testing a $15 monthly fee on basic checking accounts. Several banks have already hiked the minimum balances required to maintain free checking accounts and have discontinued rewards points on debit cards.
Public comment on this rule closed on February 22 and the Fed has until April 21 to finalize the decision to put the new rule into effect. If passed, it will be effective on July 21.
We’ll let you know the decision…
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Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011
Because “Life is what happens when you’re making other plans,” it’s important for every individual to have credit in his or her own name.
You may use credit only as half of a married couple, and you may never need to use your own personal credit. But since things like illness, death, and divorce have a way of changing things, it’s best to have it, just in case.
If you don’t have a credit card in your own name right now, get one before October 1, 2011.
That’s when the new Fed rule goes into effect – making it impossible for anyone without their own source of income to obtain a credit card.
The new rule was announced on March 18, and the credit card companies have until October 1 to come into compliance. However, some of them implemented the rule immediately, so you may have to shop around.
According to the rule, credit card companies will not be allowed to consider “total household income” when determining whether a new applicant qualifies for a credit card. Thus, if you’re a stay-at-home mom or dad, or if you’re a college student with no income, you’ll be denied.
The new rule states that the card issuer must consider the applicant’s independent ability to make the payments, regardless of the consumer’s age.
According to the Fed, this rule is simply a clarification of the guidelines set forth in the CARD Act of 2009. However, that act’s authors say that this rule goes beyond the scope and intent of the Act.
Opponents of the rule say that the Fed has just undermined more than a generation of progress made since the passage of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 – and has put abused, divorced, or widowed homemakers at serious risk.
Supporters advise the stay-at-home parent to get a joint account with their spouse, or to become an authorized signer on the spouse’s account. This would hardly be useful for a woman escaping an abuse situation – since that abusive spouse could simply close the account. In addition, many widows have found themselves with no available credit after the death of a spouse.
Thus, the social impact of this ruling is significant and is opening up new avenues of debate. In addition to undermining the financial safety of a non-working spouse, opponents say that the Fed has effectively said that the parent who “keeps the home fires burning” has no value.
Those who praise the rule seem to be of the “Big Brother” mindset – saying that this rule will protect consumers from having credit they can’t afford to repay, will prevent impulse buying with instant credit in retail stores, and will protect working spouses from liability for accounts they don’t know about.
Although the rule was put into effect quietly, I think we can expect to hear more about it.
How the rule will be applied in community property states, where a spouse has legal claim to half of all money coming into the marriage, remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, be safe. If you don’t have any credit in your own name, find a bank that has not yet put the new rule into effect, and get your own credit card before October 1.
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Monday, March 7th, 2011
A year has passed since the final provisions of the CARD Act went into effect on February 22, 2010, and industry experts are looking back to see if it had its intended effects.
In many ways it did, but it also had some unintended and less than positive effects.
First, the good news. While some credit card holders still don’t understand what they’re paying for credit, the “Schumer Box disclosures” have made it clear to most. If consumers read their credit card statements, they’ll see how much interest they’re paying, what it will cost if they make only minimum payments, and what they’ll save by increasing their payments.
Since credit card issuers can no longer raise rates on existing balances unless the card holder is 60 days late with a payment, consumers are naturally paying less interest. We’re also getting at least some warning before seeing rate hikes on future purchases.
Banks aren’t particularly happy with the changes, but are working to find ways to add some costs and fees that weren’t covered under the CARD Act. Bank of America issued a statement stating that the CARD Act had a $20.3 billion adverse impact on their credit card operations.
Meanwhile, what happened in the months preceding the final implementation of the Credit CARD Act had unintended and adverse consequences for credit card holders – and for the real estate industry.
In the course of the year prior to implementation of the law, 15% of credit card accounts saw rate increases. Some of these increases were drastic, and thus raised monthly minimum payments beyond what card holders were able to pay.
In addition, credit card issuers slashed credit lines. Many consumers reported having their formerly high credit lines slashed to less than their outstanding balances – triggering over-limit fees.
What did this have to do with the real estate industry?
These actions reduced credit scores for thousands of consumers at a time when mortgage lenders were tightening their requirements, demanding higher credit scores. .
Because 30% of a credit score is based on the consumer’s ratio of credit used to credit available, credit scores tumbled. Where some had remained comfortably under 30% of credit use, their credit reports suddenly showed that they were using 100% of their available credit.
Other reports show that today’s consumers are using less credit, paying down credit card balances, and slowly regaining their credit scores – and that’s a good thing. But these moves did put a dent in the number of consumers who have been able to take advantage of today’s low mortgage interest rates.
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Monday, March 7th, 2011
When Experian released their year-end report on cities whose residents carry the highest credit card balances, three Texas cities made the top ten list for 2010.
In fact, San Antonio, with an average of $5,177, topped the list at #1. Dallas came in at #5, with an average of $4,935, and Austin made #8, with an average credit card balance of $4,791.
The national average was $4,384, putting San Antonio at 21% above average.
At the same time, El Paso residents reduced their credit card balances by about 14%.
At first glance, one might think that residents in cities with the highest year end balances had the worst cash flow. Perhaps their credit card balances are high because they didn’t have the cash for Christmas gifts and celebrations.
But other analysts have the opposite view, and our research shows they might be right.
That view is that consumers who feel confident in their ability to pay off debt are likely to use credit more freely.
This attitude falls in line with what we learned about the unemployment statistics as the year 2010 came to a close. While the U.S. as a whole was showing about a 10% unemployment rate, many Texans were faring better. Here’s the December 2010 statistics:
San Antonio: 7.3%
Dallas: 7.9%
Austin: 6.8%
Meanwhile, El Paso stayed with the country as a whole, with unemployment at 10%.
Some Texas consumers who were interviewed said that they use their credit cards freely but pay the bill in full each month. That’s good money management on their part, but could still have a negative impact on their credit scores.
Any time a consumer uses more than 30% of his or her available credit, scores will be negatively affected – and it doesn’t matter if the balance is paid in full each month. Credit card issuers report only the balance at the end of the billing period, and don’t show that the previous month’s balance was paid in full.
Thus, a consumer with a $2,000 credit line who charges and pays off $1,500 in purchases each month is hurting his or her credit scores.
One way to avoid this credit hit is to go on line and pay the monthly balance each month before the monthly statement is generated. This isn’t easy, since credit card issuers aren’t constant with their closing dates. However, it would be a worthwhile practice for consumers who are attempting to build credit scores in anticipation of a home purchase. Either that, or never use more than 30% of available credit at any one time.
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Thursday, February 24th, 2011
Acquiring good credit is a balancing act. If you have too much debt then your scores will suffer. If you have no credit then your credit scores will suffer as well. There are 5 factors that determine you’re over all creditworthiness. Any of these five factors will dictate your score either in a positive way or a negative way.
Your credit report will show all 5 of these factors in what is called a tri-merge report. This report is produced by each of the National Credit Bureaus. TransUnion, Equifax and Experian all basically use the Fair Isaac Scoring Model to determine your score in this report. Most banks use this risk model for determining approvals. Now there are other score models out there, but FICO is pretty much the standard with most creditors. Keep in mind that each bureau will have a different credit score because each bureau is reported to independent of each other.
FICO Score Model
• Payment history 35%
• Amounts owed 30%
• Length of credit history 15%
• New credit 10%
• Types of credit used 10%
Based on the model above you can see than your credit scores are determined by credit history and your credit utilization. This basically means you need credit cards with a low balance and a good payment history.
If you don’t have any credit cards or loans on your credit report then you are considered a higher risk in the eyes of most creditors. Having no credit may result in no credit scores or low credit scores if you have some past credit history.
The whole point of a credit score is to determine your personal credit risk. The higher your credit score the lower your risk is to creditors.
In order to have good credit you must have credit reporting to all 3 national credit bureaus. This is typically done in the form of a credit card, installment loan, or a mortgage.
Fair Isaac’s score model will look at your length of history which accounts for 15% of your overall credit score. This model also looks at the types of credit used. There should be a mix of credit like listed above which accounts for 10% of your credit score.
You can see how different factors in the Score Model will affect your overall FICO score aka (Credit Score).
Remember too much credit owed which accounts for 30% of your overall credit score will affect you greatly. A late payment which accounts for 35% of your credit score is a score killer as well.
While working on keeping your credit squeaky clean you to can reference this score model as a tool to keep your creditworthiness in check.
Author: Mike Clover
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Saturday, February 12th, 2011
According to Javelin Strategy & Research, the number of people victimized by identity theft in 2010 is down 28% from the 2009 numbers. That means “only” 8.1 million people became victims last year.
But the reason for the drop really has nothing to do with how you should continue to protect your own identity.
In fact, the big difference is that banks and other institutions are taking stronger measures to protect customer data. So the “mass market” identity thieves were less successful in 2010. There are still too many data breaches, however. 2010 saw 407 incidents, with 26 million records exposed. That’s down from 604 breaches with 221 million records exposed in 2009.
That means you must not relax. The “garden variety” identity thief who may be stalking your individual identity is still out there working – and as long as the economy stays down, his numbers may increase.
After all, with a new identity, thieves can buy cars, open new credit card accounts, rent homes or apartments, get cell phones, and even get jobs they could not qualify for under their own identity.
If you’re dead broke and possess a criminal mentality, why not use someone else’s identity to get the things you want?
Friends aren’t always friendly…
Javelin, who has been tracking trends in identity theft since 2003, reported another disturbing fact. “Friendly fraud” grew by 7% in 2010.
Friendly fraud is the term used to describe identity theft committed by a friend or an acquaintance. Consumers in the 25 to 34 year old age group are the most frequent victims of this kind of fraud. Perhaps this age group is a little too trusting?
Another bit of unhappy news is that the cost of identity theft has increased. The out of pocket expense to victims increased from $387 per incident to $631 in 2010.
While consumers are generally not held liable for fraudulent debt, legal fees can add up quickly, and some consumers decide to just pay the bills rather than go through the hassle of dealing with the situation.
Add time lost from work and mental stress, and a stolen identity can become very expensive.
Remain vigilant…
Keep on protecting your personal data. Never, ever, toss something in the trash that contains any of your personal information. A shredder costs very little, so get one and use it.
Along with bank statements and tax returns, the papers you should protect include all paid bills, old checkbooks, insurance forms, job applications, W-2 forms, paycheck stubs, and the credit card offers you receive in the mail.
Never reveal your true information on social networking sites. One bit of information thieves find handy to have is your date and place of birth – and thousands of people put that information out there for anyone to find. They also reveal other useful tidbits – like home addresses and the hours they’re away from home at work.
Just don’t do it! Your real friends already know – and the rest of the world doesn’t need to know.
Don’t let credit cards out of your site when paying for meals. Take your bill to the counter yourself and watch while your charge is processed.
Don’t write your credit card numbers on a mail order form and then drop it in your unlocked mailbox on your way out to work in the morning.
Don’t leave credit cards laying around your house or on your desk in plain view. Don’t leave your wallet or purse in an unlocked area when you’re at work – or in plain view in a locked car.
Keep a close eye on bank accounts and credit cards. You can check status any time you want on line. Do it every week or two.
Read your mail. If your bank or other institution suffers a data breach, they’ll let you know. But don’t assume that they’re protecting you because they told you it happened. It’s up to you to keep a close eye on your credit report and all your accounts, so that you can stop identity theft as soon as it happens.
If you’re offered free credit monitoring as a result of the breach, take it, and use it diligently. And do keep that letter. If you become a victim, you may need it to use as proof that you aren’t the one who spent $1,500 at the shopping channel – or somewhere worse.
Identity theft is still a very real threat. So if you haven’t checked your credit report lately, you really should. You may be shocked to learn that you’re living in a new city, working for a new employer, and have many thousands of dollars in new debt.
If you’re lucky, you’ll find that all is well. To keep it that way, sign up for credit monitoring, and pay attention when you get a notice of activity on your account.
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Friday, February 11th, 2011
Prepaid cards are a growing business, with the Federal Reserve estimating that 17% of Americans using them – and the number is growing.
But why?
Convenience, combined with a desire to get out of debt, is the driving force behind the move from credit cards to prepaid debit cards.
Over the years, Americans have shifted more and more toward the use of plastic for everyday purchases, and for many, the result has been staggering debt. The ease of use, combined with rising interest rates and the add-on fees from late charges, over-limit charges, etc. could turn a $50 purchase into a $250 burden.
Now Americans are trying to get out from under all that debt, and one way is to limit their spending through the use of prepaid cards. Yes, there may be a fee for using the card, but there are no interest payments and no late charges. You can’t sink farther into debt using a prepaid card.
For some, checking accounts were just as dangerous as credit cards, and they ended up paying overdraft fees – and often lost the right to have a checking account at all. For them, the only way to shop or pay bills on line, reserve a room, or fill up at a late-night gas station is with a prepaid card.
The cost is less, as well. Consumers can sign up for direct deposit, eliminating the cost of check cashing services while at the same time reducing or eliminating the fees on the prepaid card.
But even financially secure consumers are turning to prepaid cards for the convenience and perceived safety.
These consumers see prepaid cards as a safer way to pay bills or shop on line, since there is no worry of identity theft. Even a stolen card number can only cause a loss up to the amount on the card – it can’t overdraw a bank account or run up huge credit card bills.
They also see prepaid cards as a safer alternative to carrying cash. Cash, once lost, is gone. But consumers who have carefully chosen their prepaid cards have a reduced risk of loss.
It IS important to read all the fine print before choosing a prepaid card. Prepaid cards were left out of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act regulations, so issuers are pretty much at liberty to make up their own rules.
Government entities are also turning to prepaid cards.
Government entities are beginning to use prepaid cards to disperse wages or funds such as unemployment benefits and food stamps. The cost to recharge a card is much less than the cost of printing and mailing checks, and there is no danger of funds being lost in the mail or stolen from mailboxes.
Recently, Veterans receiving disability benefits were given the option to switch to pre-paid cards in place of direct deposit or mailed checks. Social Security and Medicare will probably be next.
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Friday, January 28th, 2011
Rental history has gone unnoticed on credit reports for years. Families all over the U.S. have been making their rental payments on time with no credit toward their credit reports. Experian recently announced that they would be adding rental history to their reporting and will be the first major credit bureau to do so.
There are roughly 103 million Americans currently renting. According to Experian, with that many Americans the Bureau felt it was necessary to give those renters credit for their good history. In the past only negative history made it on their reports and now they will report the positive history.
In the world of mortgage a good rental history is never counted as good credit like a credit card history on your credit report.. It is usually necessary to have a good rental history to show you can make your payments on time. Lenders found this out by getting a verification of rental from the land lord.
With this new feature of reporting to Experian your history will be available on your credit reports. Once Experian makes this information available the scientists at FICO will determine whether rental history will be able to predict credit risk in the future. This information will also determine whether FICO will add this history to their scoring model.
In the past this type of history is considered non-traditional history. Other examples of this history would be your electricity payment, water bill payment, car insurance payment; all of these types of payments are non traditional history.
Some government loans such as FHA will allow you to get such history to show credit worthiness. But in most cases the way any of this non-traditional history shows up on your credit report will be as a result of a collection for non-payment.
This new reporting feature could be good for some Americans if they make their rental payments on-time and Experian does not report the late payment history. Currently if you are late on your rental payment that history goes un reported to your credit report. With this new feature of reporting only time will tell how it will affect credit reports and scores.
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Disclaimer: This information has been compiled and provided by as an informational service to the public. While our goal is to provide information that will help consumers to manage their credit and debt, this information should not be considered legal advice. Such advice must be specific to the various circumstances of each person's situation, and the general information provided on these pages should not be used as a substitute for the advice of competent legal counsel.