State and Regional Average Credit Scores

Click your region below to see the current average credit score in your area.

For Credit Scores Click a Region
Credit Scores New England (click to view) Credit Scores Mid-Atlantic (click to view) Credit Scores South Atlantic (click to view) Credit Scores East South Central(click to view) Credit Scores West South Central (click to view) Credit Scores West North Central (click to view) Credit Scores Mountain States(click to view) Credit Scores East North Central (click to view) Credit Scores Pacific States (click to view) Credit Scores Free and Quick


The information provided is compiled by Experians National Score Index and their Plus Score Model. This tool provided by is also provided to give consumers a better understanding how their credit score might compare to other parts of the U.S. The information provided is compiled by Experian based on 3 million credit profiles.

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