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Credit Card and Identity Theft Resource Guide

Financial Identify Theft – Financial identify theft is the action of stealing another person’s identity in the form of personal information, such as bank account or credit card numbers, to receive benefits in that person’s name. 

Criminal Identity Theft – Criminal identity theft occurs when a person represents themselves as someone else and gives another person’s personal information to law enforcement during an arrest or investigation to avoid a criminal record in their own name.

Identify Cloning – Identify cloning is the process of obtaining another person’s name, social security number and other personal information in order to hide themselves from law enforcement or creditors.  

Business or Commercial Identity Theft – Business or commercial identity theft occurs when services or purchases are made to a person’s business account or domain account. 

Identity Theft Laws and Fraud 

  • Department of Justice: Learn the basics of identity fraud, common ways to commit these identity theft crimes and how to prevent getting scammed with examples.
  • Identity Theft: Here you will find a look at the various types of identity theft, motives behind the crime and how victims react to stolen identities.
  • Minimize the Risk of Identity Cloning: How victims can learn when they are at risk for identity cloning and how they can protect themselves against this crime.
  • Avoiding Identity Theft: Find tips and techniques to help explain the four categories of identity theft, as well as a list of government assistance sights focusing on identity theft.
  • Theft through E-mail: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a number of news releases warning against online e-mail and phishing scams.
  • Identity Theft Testimony: Recorded testimony by Ms. Linda Foley regarding identity theft crime, the Senate Bill 1399 and the development of a bill to prevent identity theft.
  • Driver License Fraud: The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles warn against theft of those who obtain driver licenses and the risk of someone else stealing their identity.
  • Identity Theft Information: The Houston Police Department give information on how to avoid becoming an identity theft victim, warning signs and common ways criminals gain identities and what to do if you’re a victim.
  • Credit Card Cloning Theft: The United States Embassy to Italy gives security tips and notice of credit card cloning activities that are achieved by retrieving credit card numbers and information through a scanner.
  • Is Your Business Information Secure: Information targeting businesses on how to keep important business information secure and fraud-free.
  • Risks of Brokerage Accounts: The US Securities and Exchange Commission provide advice on how to keep your online account information private.
  • Safeguard Personal Information: The United States Postal Services gives information on identity theft or fraud when dealing with the tampering of mail and packages.
  • Fight Fraud: The Department of Business and Industry gives a description of identity theft, fraud tips and how to avoid becoming a identity theft victim.
  • Information for Businesses: Information and examples on the steps needed to keep businesses safe from fraudsters obtained from the Better Business Bureau.
  • Safety Tips for Small Businesses: The Microsoft Enterprise provide ten tips on how to keep small businesses free from identity theft activities.
  • Washington State Legislature: List of laws in the state of Washington that focus on identity theft.
  • Consumer Privacy and Identity Theft: Effective in October of 2009, the Department of Consumer protection makes skimmers and scanners used to retrieve credit card information illegal and all victims can sue for damages.
  • Identity Theft Passport: Here you will learn about the Theft Verification Passport Program, how it operates and how it protects individuals against identity theft.
  • Internet Fraud: The Federal Bureau of Investigations a number of Internet fraud activities, such as credit card fraud, business fraud, merchandise that is not delivered, oversea letter fraud and investment fraud.
  • Federal Laws that Protect Against Fraud: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) gives a brief description of each anti-identity theft law.
  • Internet Fraud Variations: The University of Oklahoma Police Department provide tips to help people stay safe against identity and credit card fraud.
  • Security Breeches and Identity Theft: Learn about the 2005 security breech in which over 50 million were at risk for identity theft and solutions to this issue.
  • Identity Theft Statistics: The 2009 statistics that show the rise of identity theft victims with specific fraud groups identified.
  • Social Security Theft: Find out what you should do regarding identity theft in case your social security card becomes lost or stolen.
  • Identity Theft Resource Center: Learn more about identity theft and get help if you’re a victim of theft or fraud. 

Identity Theft Organizations and Help Groups 

  • Identity Theft Assistance Center: Obtain victim assistance from ITAC by contacting credit bureaus and financial institutions, as well as providing advice to small business owners on how to keep customer information safe.
  • Identity Theft Resources: The Government Information Technology Agency gives claim form links and connection to a free credit report website.
  • On Guard Online: Information on how to prevent becoming involved in identity fraud on the Internet, such as phishing.
  • Social Security Number Theft: The Social Security Administration advises individuals on how to obtain your personal information back from fraudsters.
  • Fighting Identity Theft: The Comptroller of Currency Office give identity theft tip and essential steps needed to fight against fraud.
  • Criminal Investigations: The United States Secret Service investigates credit card, cloning, passport, bank and identity theft fraud.
  • Victims of Identity Theft: Learn what going through identity theft must feel like and review various check sheets and worksheets about how to secure one’s identity.
  • Consumer Identity Theft: The Office of Attorney General of Indiana provides a printable online kit that reviews the step of fixing identity theft.
  • Identity Theft Victim Checklist: List of risks and warnings to watch out for to avoid being the next identity theft victim.
  • Reducing the Risk of Fraud: Here you will learn the risks, victims, Washington state identity theft law and how to prevent fraud.
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