October 13th, 2010
Credit issues & consumer debt have become such a problem in our country the government is now involved. If you have turned on the TV lately you might see a commercial about credit education from the US Treasury Department. You may have also seen various government sites promoting credit education. Here are some government education sites below.
Example sites:
This obviously is a sign we have big credit issues out there. So the government is getting involved with public awareness. The media is somewhat misleading, because you will hear that debt is down. Then you will hear it’s up… and so on… So who is really correct and what is the current situation with consumer credit debt?
Chuck Jaffe with Marketwatch.com recently reported that the data on consumer debt is really skewed. The reports between the Federal Reserve Boards G-19 and actual charge-off numbers with banks were off by 12 billion in the second quarter of 2010. According to CardHub.com the banks actually charged off $21.8 billion in bad credit card debt. So this basically means that consumers accumulated $10 billion more in consumer debt than the year before.
In most media publications you will read that consumers are reducing debt and saving for a rainy day. Well it’s not hard to see that consumers are just letting their debt go and hoping for a better future.
After all, when the big companies got a bail out, where was the bailout for consumer debt?
Anyways, back on topic here.
Nether less, the truth is out. Matters are not better with consumer debt and regardless of the government awareness programs; we need job creation to get rid of debt.
Until job creation and confidence in the market place is created, matters will not improve regardless of what the government is doing.
So the next time you read stats from the Federal Reserve Board or the media, make sure you do some research.
How does that saying go…..? by Benjamin Franklin.. “Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see…..”
Author: Mike Clover
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October 12th, 2010
The answer to the question is yes it can, but it doesn’t always lower your scores. The reason it can lower your scores is because you lose the available credit in the calculation of what’s referred to as “revolving utilization.” This is the relationship, expressed as a percentage, of your aggregate credit card balances as compared to your aggregate credit card credit limits. You want this percentage to be as low as it can be. Closing cards will result in a lower aggregate credit card credit limit figure, thus making it possible that your utilization percentage will increase and cause your score to decrease.
John Ulzheimer is the President of Consumer Education for Credit.com and owner of 2StepCredit.com. He is an expert on credit reporting, credit scoring, credit score ratings, and identity theft. Formerly of FICO and Equifax, John is the only recognized credit expert who actually comes from the credit industry. He is a weekly guest on FOX’s The Willis Report and is the credit blogger for the New York Times and Mint.com. He has served as a credit expert witness in more than 65 cases and has been qualified to testify in both Federal and State court on the topic of consumer credit.
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October 11th, 2010
The story is all too common these days. Consumer applies for a credit card, consumer makes charges on said credit card, consumer stops paying said credit card. This is the beginning of a chronology of events destined to end badly for the cardholders. And while we all know that credit card issuers can report the performance of your accounts to the credit reporting agencies, did you know that collection agencies also have their own ‘credit report’ strategy?
Stuck nice and deep within the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Federal law that mandates how your credit reports can be used, is section 604 entitled Permissible Purpose. A Permissible Purpose, in English, is a reason or condition that allows another party to pull your credit reports from the credit reporting agencies. And clearly listed within this paragraph is what gives collection agencies permission to pull your credit reports. Per this section the credit reporting agencies are fully allowed to provide a credit report to any company that intends to use the information in connection with the collection of an account.
So now that we know collection agencies are allowed to pull your credit reports, what exactly are they looking for? Are they buying your credit scores? And what kind of inquiry are they posting?
What are they looking for? – Simply put, they’re looking for you. Step one of any successful collection effort is to find the debtor. And what better to use to identify your current mailing address than your credit reports? This is commonly referred to as skip-tracing. In addition to your current address they are also trying to determine if you have the capacity to pay the collection account. If you owe them $1,000 and you have a credit card with a $10,000 credit limit, which will be on your credit reports, then you can afford to pay them. You might not want to, but you can.
Are They Buying Your Credit Scores? – You bet they are. In most cases credit scores are used to determine creditworthiness. But in the case of a collection agency they are using a different type of credit score designed to determine the likelihood of you making a payment. Think of it this way, if you took 100 people who owe you money and calculated their collection credit score you could focus your collection efforts on the people who score the highest and are most likely to pay you. And, maybe just as important, you could ignore the lowest scoring people, who are the least likely to pay you.
What Kind of Inquiry is a Collection Inquiry? – I have bad news for this one. Collection inquiries are hard inquiries and are seen by other creditors and credit scoring models. This means whenever a collection agency pulls your credit reports everyone can see it. I am in the middle of a lawsuit right now (as the plaintiff’s expert witness) where a collection agency pulled the credit reports of an alleged debtor 4 times in a six-month period. It’s very likely that this group of inquiries lowered the plaintiff’s credit scores.
So what’s the best way to prevent a collection agency from pulling your credit reports and possibly lowering your credit scores? Simple, avoid collections.
John Ulzheimer is the President of Consumer Education for Credit.com and the author of the book “You’re Nothing But A Number.” He is an expert on credit reporting, credit scoring and identity theft. Formerly of FICO and Equifax, John is the only recognized credit expert who actually comes from the credit industry. He is a weekly guest on FOX’s The Willis Report and is the credit blogger for the New York Times and Mint.com. He has served as a credit expert witness in more than 65 cases and has been qualified to testify in both Federal and State court on the topic of consumer credit.
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October 10th, 2010
The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 is now fully in place. The third stage of reforms went into effect on August 22, 2010.
But mainstream news doesn’t tell the whole story…
The CARD Act should be good news for consumers with credit cards, and in many ways it is, but the news around the reforms has been slightly misleading. To understand all of the provisions, you need the rest of the story.
For instance, you heard that interest rates cannot increase in the first year after opening a new account. That’s true, unless you had a 6 month promotional rate that expired, or unless you have a variable rate tied to the consumer price index, or unless you become 60 days delinquent.
After the first year, your credit card issuer can immediately increase your interest on existing balances for all of the above reasons, and they can increase your interest rate on future purchases as long as they give you 45 days’ notice.
This is probably the most deceptive of the terms so widely touted and applauded.
The truth is, the new, higher interest rate will apply to purchases made only 14 days after they send notice. How they turn 45 days into 14 days is a puzzle whose answer likely lies in some fine print somewhere, but this misconception is a dangerous one for consumers.
It sounds as if the new rate will apply, but they can’t bill you for it until the 46th day.
I’d say that’s pretty sneaky. And, call me suspicious, but I’d say they’ve promoted it falsely knowing full well that it would get consumers deeper in debt – at high interest.
Think about it…
If you believe that your rate will not go up for 45 days, you just might decide to go ahead with that major purchase you’ve been putting off. After all, if it’s something you really need and can’t put off forever – like a new refrigerator because the old one is gasping for breath – you’d naturally assume that it’s wise to get it while your rate is still low.
You’ll be “safe” if you make that purchase immediately, but if you do it on day 15 after they’ve mailed you the notice, you might as well have waited 60 days, because you will pay interest on that purchase at your new high rate.
Notice that the calendar will begin turning on the day they mailed the notice. If it didn’t arrive in your mailbox until a week later, you don’t have much time. So check the date on the correspondence, not the date you received the notice.
Author: Mike Clover
Tags: CARD Act, credit card regulation, credit cards, interest rates Posted in credit card, credit card news, credit card regulation, credit cards | Comments Off
October 7th, 2010
We can hope so, but we’ll have to wait and see.
A few days ago we reported on GMAC and JPMorgan Chase – that they were temporarily suspending all foreclosures in 23 states while they investigated claims of “robo-signing” of foreclosure documents.
The next day Bank of America also suspended foreclosures in those 23 states.
Why 23 states? Because those states are the ones that require court approval for foreclosures. In lieu of actually going to court, they are allowed to present signed affidavits swearing that they have reviewed the files and the documents are in order.
The trouble was, they didn’t review the files and in some cases the documents were not in order. In some cases, even the monetary figures were “off.”
Their excuse for this sloppiness was that with 8 to 10 thousand forms to sign each month, they just “didn’t have time” to do it according to the legal requirements. Statements by banking officials carry a tone that suggests that since they are so busy, they are justified in cutting these corners – in spite of the potential damage to individual homeowners.
Now key lawmakers are demanding that more than 100 mortgage companies halt foreclosures while they determine whether foreclosure documents they approved might have contained errors.
The 23 states involved in this action are Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont and Wisconsin.
But now, other states are weighing in.
The Texas Attorney General’s office has called for a halt on all foreclosures. They’re also asking for a halt on sales of all properties already under bank ownership as well as all evictions of persons residing in those foreclosed homes. They’re giving the banks until October 15 to reply to the demand letters.
Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has done the same.
In Oregon, Senator Jeff Merkley has urged the Treasury Department and the Department of Housing and Urban Development to launch investigations, while Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley said her office is already investigating an “Apparent failure of major creditors to follow state foreclosure law.”
In California, Attorney General Jerry Brown called on J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Ally Financial Inc. to suspend foreclosures unless they can prove that they are in compliance with state law.
Real estate professionals dealing with Short Sales have long been frustrated by the sloppy paperwork, lost documents, and delays that they and their clients have endured at the hands of the banking giants. At times, homes that were in the midst of short sale transactions or even loan modifications were suddenly foreclosed upon – despite assurances that the foreclosure had been halted.
Now we realize why this has happened. Employees in the Foreclosure departments simply did not read the files and thus were not aware of the loan modifications or short sales in progress.
Will the banks be punished for their fraudulent behavior? Will they owe monetary damages to homeowners who were harmed? Or will this sloppy behavior be forgiven and swept under the rug?
We’ll all be watching to see the outcome.
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October 7th, 2010
You are probably asking what the heck is going on. HUD says they will insure FHA loans down to a 540 credit score with 20% down. Most banks were underwriting loans down to a 620 credit score. Now banks are changing their requirements. Most are going to a 640 middle credit score requirement to even look at your loan.
The government is asking banks to make loans, but the banks are tightening up. Most of this is with good reason. All mortgage loans are nothing but risk that are bought and sold on the secondary market. Certain types of loans are put into what is called pools to be bought by investors. Currently the big players in the investment community are Wells Fargo and Chase.
These banks will buy mortgage loans based on risk and manage the defaults. When defaults are higher with a particular risk pool, the investors will stop buying those types of loans and raise the bar.
This is the current case with borrowers with scores below a 640. Evidently loan pools with a score below 640 are not performing well. So the secondary market is heading towards a minimum 640 credit score.
Some financial institutions like Bank of America still provide financing down to a 580, but eventually everyone follows suit.
This is another reason to start planning for better credit management. With the current course banks are taking, your credit score requirements just got tougher.
We saw this change coming at the first of the year. There were banks already requiring this type of score. So naturally the other banks have started this new requirement within that last couple of weeks.
Author: Mike Clover
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October 5th, 2010
The “Final Rule” imposed by the Federal Trade Commission contains some strange quirks. One of them applies to the disclosures now required by debt settlement companies.
For whatever reason, the new regulations affecting debt settlement companies apply only to those transactions in which the initial contact was made over the phone.
It doesn’t matter if they called you or you called them, as long as that first contact was by phone.
If you visit a debt settlement office in person, or if you fill out an online form, all bets are off. So, if you decide to follow up with an email solicitation, don’t go to the website. If you want to know more about services offered, pick up the telephone.
Before you take even this step, remember that whatever they can do, you can do.
Your first step should be to review your credit report. The second step should be to call each of your credit card companies and other creditors to see if you can personally work out a debt settlement arrangement. Then, don’t sign anything until you see a concrete proposal, in writing.
If you feel unsure about what you’re signing, consult with an attorney.
Why should you contact creditors yourself rather than use a debt settlement service?
Because debt settlement companies can get you deeper in debt.
Just because they must disclose things such as the total cost to you and the amount of time they’ll need to reach an agreement with your debtors doesn’t mean using them will be in your best interests.
Think about this: If you pay $1,000 to a debt settlement service, you could have instead applied that $1,000 to outstanding debt and be closer to becoming debt-free.
And, if they collect and hold funds from you for dispersal to your creditors, months could go by with no payments credited to your accounts. In the ensuing months, your debt will be growing, and the creditor could sue you for non-payment.
Meanwhile, your credit scores will be falling quickly as your credit report shows you farther and farther in arrears.
Another clause in the new regulations prohibits these companies from collecting fees from you until after they’ve gotten the promised results. So if a debt settlement service asks you for an up-front fee, run the other way.
Think about this as well: Debt experts fully expect that some of these debt settlement companies will be finding ways around the regulations for telephone solicitations.
Why would you trust such a company with your money, or with your credit future?
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October 4th, 2010
When should you attempt to get an account removed from your credit reports? Believe it or not this question has nothing to do with “credit repair.” In fact, it’s actually asked more often from people who don’t understand how the credit reporting and credit scoring systems work, yet have pretty decent credit.
To some people a credit report is only supposed to reflect current obligations, rather than current and past obligations. This leads many consumers to think that they have to argue with the credit bureaus and attempt to get old, paid, or otherwise satisfied credit obligations removed from their credit reports. This is unwise, and dangerous.
There are several reasons why you should never attempt to get old and good credit items removed from your credit reports. First and foremost, the older your credit reports the better your scores will be. And, how do credit scoring systems set the age of your credit reports? They do this two ways; by looking at the opening date of your oldest account and, second, by averaging the age of all of your accounts. If you are successful in getting old accounts removed from your credit reports you will almost certainly cause them to look “younger” to credit scoring systems. Incidentally, credit-scoring systems do not look at your date of birth so they can’t use that in lieu of account age.
Another reason this is an unwise move is because of a little known yet important measurement within credit scoring systems called “account diversity.” You earn more credit score points by having a well-rounded credit report than you do by having limited experience across account types. This means consumers are going to do better with a history of credit card, auto loan, and mortgage usage.
If you are successful at getting old accounts removed from your credit reports then your actions are permanent, meaning you will not be able to convince the credit reporting agencies to replace the deleted account down the road when you realize your mistake. And, efforts may very well leave you with lower credit scores and no fast way to return them to their former glory. To avoid this credit score disaster, here are a few “credit” suggestions to live by;
1. Don’t concern yourself with getting old negative items removed. Federal law defines how long they can remain on your credit reports. Normally most negative items can remain for between 7 and 10 years although there are some exceptions. Point being, it’s a waste of your time because Federal law has already taken care of this.
2. Credit reports are meant to be credit histories and were designed to house and maintain a record of old, satisfied account relationships. Old credit accounts are like a fantastic GPA in high school or college. You never ever want a record of that to disappear. Here’s why…
3. Credit scoring systems will reward you for a long history of responsible credit management practices across multiple account types. In the FICO® scoring system account “age” is worth 15% of your credit score points and account diversity is worth 10% of your credit score points. This means a full one-fourth of your credit score points could be negatively impacted if you were successful in getting old accounts removed.
Don’t do it!!
John Ulzheimer is the President of Consumer Education for Credit.com and owner of 2StepCredit.com. He is an expert on credit reporting, credit scoring, credit score ratings, and identity theft. Formerly of FICO and Equifax, John is the only recognized credit expert who actually comes from the credit industry. He is a weekly guest on FOX’s The Willis Report and is the credit blogger for the New York Times and Mint.com. He has served as a credit expert witness in more than 65 cases and has been qualified to testify in both Federal and State court on the topic of consumer credit.
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October 3rd, 2010
You’ve heard that all your life, but today a penny isn’t worth much, and besides, it’s no longer the truth.
The truth is more like: “A dollar saved is $1.30 earned – or more.”
If you work for a company that hands you a paycheck at the end of the week, you’ll see a wide gap between the dollars you earned and the dollars you got.
Deductions start with Social Security and Medicare. The last I checked, your share of those came to 7.65%. Then there’s Federal Income tax. Depending upon the tax bracket you’re in, that could be anywhere from 15% on up. The more you make, the more they take. Then, also depending upon where you live, there’s State income tax.
You could pay 1% (if you earn under about $5,000 per year) on up to 11%. In most states, the tax is in the 6-8% range if you earn a living wage. To see the charts for your state, visit the Tax Foundation
If you assume a “middle of the road” State Income tax of 7% and add it to a minimum of 15% Federal tax, plus Social Security and Medicare, you’re now at 29.65% of your earnings being deducted before you see the money. If you happen to pay union dues or other fees based on income or hours, there’s more gone.
Since the percentage you’ll pay in both State and Federal taxes goes up as your income goes up, this gets worse. For instance, In 2010, if you earn more than $68,000, you’ll pay 25% in Federal tax. Over $373,650 you’ll pay 35%.
If you’re self employed, you pay both sides of your Social Security and Medicare, so add another 7% or so to what you need to earn to spend $100.
But going back to the minimums… Since taxes are deducted from your earnings, when you earn $100 you get $70 or less.
So the next time you’re tempted to buy that interesting gadget that costs “only” $70, stop and think about it. You’ll need to earn at least $100 to pay for it. Is it worth the number of hours it takes to earn that amount?
And if you don’t have the cash but decide to add it to a credit card that already has a balance, stop and think even harder.
According to the latest Bankrate survey, average credit card rates are hovering around 14%. And if you have a balance on the credit card, that new purchase could stick around costing you money for a year, or even for 2 or 3 years. On $70, that’s $9.80 per year – and you need to earn at least $14 to pay that $9.80.
Is that $70 gadget worth the $114 you need to earn to pay for it?
Tags: budgeting, saving money Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off
October 1st, 2010
Fraud, greed, and government regulations led to the crash of the housing market. Now banking fraud, greed and general carelessness could lead to a stabilization in the housing market.
Because the expected glut of foreclosed homes is not going to hit the market soon. Thousands of foreclosures are being delayed and could even be cancelled.
As of now, JPMorgan Chase and GMAC have suspended all foreclosures in 23 states. GMAC didn’t provide a number, but Chase is suspending 56,000.
Home sales have been undermined these past months by the expectation that large numbers of foreclosures were about to be released – causing housing prices to slide further. That expectation has caused many consumers to put off buying a home.
If the flood stops or slows considerably, housing prices may stabilize.
How did this happen?
In their quest to speed up the foreclosure process, banks have been cutting procedural corners. Both GMAC and Chase have admitted to filing affidavits for summary judgment without knowing if the facts stated in those affidavits are true.
By signing the document, the signer indicates that he or she has personal knowledge that those facts are true. That means the signer is saying that he or she has reviewed the cases and knows the documents are correct. And that hasn’t been the truth.
It appears that banks have been taking their procedural cues from our Senators and Representatives – stating in their own defense that since they have so many foreclosures to process, they simply didn’t have time to review the cases before signing the affidavits and other documents.
The term “robo signers” has been coined to describe the way banks have handled the signing of legal documents.
Unfortunately for them, those lawmakers who sign bills into law without reading them aren’t stepping up to say its OK to file affidavits without reviewing the cases.
Shifting the blame is nothing new, and apparently banks are shifting the blame to the legal firms who supply the documents for signing. According to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Florida’s four largest foreclosure law firms are now under investigation for fraud.
Flordia is one of the 23 states where Chase and GMAC have suspended foreclosure activity for the time being.
Consumers are “lawyering up”
Lawsuits are already being filed, and according to lawyers representing homeowners, the lenders will likely be defeated in court due to their own carelessness. Many of the necessary documents have been misplaced or otherwise disappeared.
This will come as no surprise to real estate professionals who deal with short sales. They have been struggling with the lenders’ “lost document syndrome” for the past couple of years.
Although no others have admitted wrong-doing, Chase and GMAC are not the only banks affected. Experts predict that all banks will now take a closer look at procedures in an effort to avoid lawsuits from homeowners who feel they have been wronged.
The expectation is that banks will make a greater effort to keep people in their homes rather than rushing to foreclose. That, of course, would be good for homeowners, neighborhoods and housing prices.
Exposing and halting fraudulent activity is always a good thing. But there is one “fly in the ointment” in this situation.
Homeowners whose foreclosures are final and whose previous homes have been sold may be stepping forward to file lawsuits. If the courts find that the completed foreclosures were in fact done improperly, families who bought those foreclosed homes could find themselves entangled in a legal mess not of their own making.
Could this possibility at least temporarily slow the popularity of buying banks’ REO properties?
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Disclaimer: This information has been compiled and provided by CreditScoreQuick.com as an informational service to the public. While our goal is to provide information that will help consumers to manage their credit and debt, this information should not be considered legal advice. Such advice must be specific to the various circumstances of each person's situation, and the general information provided on these pages should not be used as a substitute for the advice of competent legal counsel.