Have you ever wondered what will happen to your credit scores and credit reports once you are married? There are all kinds of credit myths out there as a result of couple’s becoming married. Fortunately these myths are nothing but myths. Here are the top five misconceptions about married credit scores and credit reports.
Marriage will cause my credit scores to drop- It is very common for newly weds to acquire huge credit card debt to pay for weddings and a honeymoon. The act of increasing credit card debt will lower your credit scores but the act of getting married does not merge your credit reports nor does it affect your scores. So bottom line, getting married will not lower your credit scores unless you rack up a lot of credit card debt.
I will automatically be added to my spouse’s credit cards – This simply is not true. You will not be added to your spouse’s credit card unless you call the creditor to be added. With some loans types you cannot be added to the loan unless a refinance takes place. Being added as co-signer can help your credit scores especially if you don’t have any credit. You will need to make sure your payments are made onetime and the credit utilization is low.
Changing my last name erases my credit history – When your last name changes make sure you report this change to your creditors. During this process you will see some updates to your existing credit reports. For example you will see your new name as an alias with your old last name. While all this name change is taking place it is important to check your credit report regularly. You will not need to rebuild your credit as your credit will be attached to your new name and primarily you’re social security number. There could be some inaccuracies during this process so make sure you stay on top of your report.
Our credit reports will merge together – While getting married the only debts that will merge are the debts you jointly acquire. Like I mentioned earlier, you can also merge your credit by being added as a cosigner. Your social security numbers don’t merge together when getting married and nor does your credit reports.
My spouse’s credit scores will affect my scores – this concern is very common for those about to get married. Luckily your spouse’s credit history has no affect on your credit rating. Only when you open joint accounts will your credit profile become a factor. Your spouse’s credit scores will however affect your ability to get a mortgage. If your significant other has credit issues, tackle that issue together so you can get good rates and terms on loans.
With all of this being said enjoy being married and remember your Credit is a big part of your life.
Author: Mike Clover