Credit scores are the talk of town now. Obviously the higher your credit score the better. As rule of thumb a credit score around 720 or above is considered excellent credit. Some lenders have there own internal credit score requirements for certain loan types. Some lenders have a minimum credit score requirement to even get approved.
In most cases a 720 middle credit score will get you just about any type of loan. This score will also get you the best rates and terms normally. Some banks might give a little better rate if you credit score is 740 and above. But if your have a 720 fico score I would not sweat it. That type of score is considered low risk to most creditors.
I hear people all the time thinking that if there credit score is in the 800’s they will get a better deal. This is simply not true. Typically if your credit score 720 and above regardless of your score you will get the same rate and terms as someone with a 720 credit score.
I am not saying that having a credit score above a 720 is a bad thing, but just don’t sweat it if your credit score around a 720 or so.