Do you really need to file bankruptcy?

Current reports show that bankruptcy filings are at an all time high. This is probably due to the fall of the real estate sector, which affects everything. The way the current bankruptcy law is, does it really protect you and is it necessary? I personally don’t think bankruptcy is necessary for individuals. Bankruptcy for one will destroy your credit report and credit scores. There are two types of bankruptcies for individuals, and they are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. The most common now with the new law in place is Chapter 13. Chapter 13 forces you to pay back a porting of your debts usually over 5 years to a court appointed trustee. With all the creditors currently having records defaults, you would think that some kind of resolution is in order with the actual creditor on your own. This is actually true; you can call and negotiate with your creditors a lesser balance and a payment plan. Plus if you have retirement funds you don’t have to liquidate them. With bankruptcy you do.

Disadvantages of bankruptcy

If you have wracked up a bunch of unsecured debt, you can assure yourself calls all day from creditors if you don’t pay them. Bankruptcy will stop the calls but it does not change the fact that the negative record will be on your credit report for 7 years if it is Chapter 13. If its chapter 7 it will stay on your credit report for 10 years. So depending on what your situation is, I think in most cases bankruptcy is not necessary. If you have found yourself in financial trouble you can call your creditors and negotiate an affordable payment plans on your own. In most cases you can reduce 40 – 60 percent of what you actually owe to credit card companies with a fixed interest rate and low payments. So do you research before you jump into a bankruptcy and pay a bunch of money to an attorney for no good reason.

Advantages of bankruptcy
If you file bankruptcy the phones calls with stop. It will also stop creditors from taking you to court. You have the option under the bankruptcy laws to file every 6 years. Most lawyers will tell you that the bankruptcy laws are in place not to protect you but the creditor. So keep this in mind. If you are able to file chapter 7 bankruptcy, this will liquidate all your debts with no obligation to pay anything back. This chapter bankruptcy is harder to file now due to the income restrictions. So don’t think bankruptcy is the easy way out now, because its not. I personally think the only advantage is it will stop the harassment from creditors.

Just remember you can negotiate with your creditors yourself, and it cost you nothing but your time. You can also get a payment plan in place you can afford. Creditors will typically work with you to determine a budget over a period of time. Remember you owe this debt; the creditor did not rack up the debt for you. The long term affect of bankruptcy is hard on your credit report vs setting up a payment plan with your creditors and getting them to stop the interest.

There are also other options like debt consolidation. This is could be a alternative as well. Look at your options before jumping into anything.

One Response to “Do you really need to file bankruptcy?”

  1. debt consolidation says:

    Knowing all your options is important before making a major financial decision. You don’t want to entangle yourself in an agreement only to find out you have sunk deeper into debt. Thanks for the article!

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