Credit Report after a Bankruptcy

Your credit report after a bankruptcy will look like a bomb was dropped on it. Your credit score report will be littered with all kinds of derogatory information. Depending on what type of bankruptcy you filed will determine how long it will take to re-establish your credit. The two most common bankruptcies are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. With the new bankruptcy law, more people will be forced to file Chapter 13. Here are the differences.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy- is considered liquidation of your non-exempt assets. This bankruptcy is considered the quickest and simplest of all bankruptcies. A court appointed trustee sells off all your assets in an attempt to pay back some of your creditors. During most Chapter 7 bankruptcies the client will not have any assets to liquidate.

Chapter 13 – This bankruptcy is considered a wage earner plan. This plan allows individuals whom have income to develop a plan to pay back there creditors over a 3 to 5 year period. Under this bankruptcy you are assigned a court appointed trustee that you make the agreed upon payments to, which they in return pay your creditors.

Bankruptcy is all too common these days with the economy the way it is. The mortgage crisis and the price of gas have caused many people financial troubles all over the United States. Luckily there is hope after a bankruptcy. It’s kind of like polishing up your shoes after you have got some scuff marks on them. Your credit is the same way, you can re-establish credit after a bankruptcy, and that is the first step once you are done with your bankruptcy.

How to establish credit afterwards
The first step is to get two secured credit cards. No bank is going to allow you to get an un-secured credit card after a bankruptcy. All of your past credit will be on your credit report for 7 years. If you filed chapter 7, it will be on your credit report for 10yrs from file date. But most of your past negative credit will be on your report for 7 yrs. The main objective is to get new credit on your report as soon as possible. The only way to do that is with secured credit cards, and Orchard bank is a great one. FICO likes to see a mix of credit, so make sure you get a couple of secured credit cards. This process will take you at least 12 to 24 months to get your credit scores where they are somewhat decent. After a little time with no slow pays, your creditors will start extending credit to you again.

Don’t be a repeat offender
FICO will forgive you for past bad credit mistakes, but if you are a repeat offender it will be tough to recover. The new FICO scoring process does not want to see you continually having problems. So learn from past mistakes, save your money for hard times and emergencies. Also remember to always stay ontop of your free credit score report.

About the Author: Mike Clover is the owner of is the one of the most unique on-line resources for free credit score report, fico score, free credit check, identity theft protection, secured credit cards, student credit cards , credit cards, mortgage loans, auto loans, insurance, debt consolidation ,and a BlOG with a wealth of personal credit information. The information within this website is written by professionals that know about credit, and what determines ones credit worthiness.

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