Have you ever wondered what does not affect your credit score and credit report? There are factors that Fair Isaac doesn’t use in determining your credit risk. Fair Isaac says its scoring model complies with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibiting against using racial or ethic data in credit decisioning. They also have said that based on independent research, it has shown that the credit scoring is not unfair to minorities or people with little credit history. The scoring model has been a consistent and accurate measure of repayment for all people who have credit history. So in other words, your ethnic background has nothing to do with a given credit score.
In a different perspective of the model, credit scoring can be a disadvantage for people who are not familiar with the system. For example individuals who are poor and low-income usually don’t have great mobility. They typically utilize local stores and credit grantors within there communities. Since most of these grantors tend to be small, they usually don’t report to the Credit Bureaus. With this in mind, this class of people tends to suffer the most because of the limited access to big banks and companies that report to all agencies.
Here is what Fair Isaac does not consider:
* Race, Color, religion, national origin, sex, or martial status.
* Age
* Salary, Title, Occupation, employer, date employed, or employment history
* Place of residence
* Any interest rate being charged on credit card account or other account
* Any items reported as Child/Family support obligations or rental agreements
* Certain types of inquiries ( Certain requests for your credit report or credit score)
* Any information not found in your credit report
* Any information that is not proven to be predictive of future credit performance.
Since there is so much information out there about what determines your credit score on your credit report, we figured we would give you a different perspective in this article.